Common Analog Signal Types
Direct Current (DC) Current Ranges:
Milliamperes (mA): In BMS, current signals in the milliampere range are commonly used for low-power DC applications. This range typically spans from 0 mA to a few hundred milliamperes (e.g., 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA). It is often employed in sensors, transmitters, and control devices that interface with BMS for monitoring and control purposes.
Voltages (V):
Other sensors, such as humidity sensors with integrated signal conditioning, may provide direct voltage outputs in the range of 0-10V, 2-10V or 0-5V to represent the measured quantity, such as temperature or humidity.
Temperature Sensors:
Temperature sensors in BMS often use resistance to measure temperature changes. The most common resistance signal ranges for temperature measurement are:
10KΩ Thermistors: Thermistors are resistive temperature sensors that exhibit a significant change in resistance with temperature. The standard thermistor used in BMS applications has a resistance range of approximately 1KΩ to 100KΩ at room temperature. These sensors are widely used for HVAC control, temperature monitoring, and equipment protection. For an example Greenmark verification process in Singapore BCA requires data recorded using PT 10K Sensors in 10 second intervals.
100Ω Platinum Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs): RTDs offer high accuracy and stability. The most common RTD used in BMS is the 100Ω platinum RTD (PT100), which typically provides a resistance range of approximately 90Ω to 110Ω over the temperature range being measured. These sensors are commonly employed in critical applications where precise temperature control is required.
The signal ranges for each sensor that you may encouter in the field can usually be found on sensor manufacurer's datasheet/specifications
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